E-Health and Health data
Cutting-edge expertise in health data and dedicated to innovative projects.
As a specialist in personal data protection law, our firm supports many healthcare players. Faced with the development of e-health and revolutions in care techniques, the firm advises and assists its clients in their data and personal data projects, to ensure effective compliance.
Our firm provides the following services in particular:
- Strategic consulting;
- Risk analysis and PIA;
- Support for data processing of clinical trials;
- Advice and monitoring of CNIL reference methodologies (MR): implementation, monitoring of impact analyses (PIA), documentation;
- Setting up health data warehouses;
- Supervision of relations with service providers (subcontracting, T&Cs/T&Cs, contractual documentation);
- IT contracts;
- Information and transparency obligations;
- Anonymization and pseudonymization;
- Ethical expertise on issues related to health data;