Data protection officer - Health care & life sciences
Designated as an outsourced DPO or assisting numerous DPOs in the healthcare sector for several years, the firm supports its clients to help their DPO’s to fulfill with their missions.
Our firm provides the following services in particular:
- Advice to organizations in the recruitment and training of DPOs;
- Advice on the role and missions of the DPO;
- GDPR governance;
- Support, training and coaching of DPOs;
- Prevention of conflicts of interest;
- GDPR compliance (formalization and monitoring of GDPR documentation);
- Advice in the implementation of PIA;
- Monitoring and support in the implementation of the regulatory framework (MR, authorizations, etc.);
- Monitoring of actions related to data security;
- Contact point with any data subjects concerned;
- Relationships with the CNIL or any DPAs (requests for authorization, monitoring of procedures).